
Analyzing the Impact of International Collaboration on Research 17 Jul 2023

Analyzing the Impact of International Collaboration on Research Productivity at the University of Indonesia

Analyzing the Impact of International Collaboration on Research Productivity at the University of Indonesia makes the products produced much higher quality. The collaborative program is organized by the University of Indonesia's faculty of engineering in collaboration with the University of California. The agreement will be implemented in the period from April to December.

Analyzing the Impact of International Collaboration on Research Productivity

Faculty of Engineering Research

When viewed from the existing conditions, certainly universities do not have to revolve in their own world. Research must be carried out because it is considered important for universities to continue to carry out and strengthen collaboration. Cooperation that must be strengthened is international cooperation that increases the international outlook value of a university.

This can also be used as initial capital to open opportunities for collaboration with several other universities around the world. The CSR budget is the budget for the education and environmental sectors which are the focus of the University of Indonesia.

If you look at the education sector, the University of Indonesia wants LPS to be able to make many contributions to support the advancement of education in Indonesia in the future. Therefore, LPS conducted a visit to find out and see how far progress was made regarding the SEP NRRI and a number of things that could be further assisted.

When viewed broadly, the SEP NRRI certainly oversees several programs such as the physical management program and the scholar visit research program. The programs provided are the best programs in which a meeting is held during the visit with the engineering field.

Referring to last April, the University of Indonesia and its staff were directly followed by LPS in carrying out a physical management program at the University of California Berley to witness the kick off of the collaboration between Unilever Indonesia and the University of California Berley.

In September, the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia has succeeded in dispatching three students so they can take part in the research young scholar visit program for 1 year. With this program, students will conduct research together with professor advisors from the University of California, Berley.

In this research, selection will be carried out by determining grants for several research proposals totaling 4 pieces. Grants in the research program are divided into assignment grants for three proposals in the field of sustainable energy or biotechnology.

The Importance of Research in the World of Lectures

Anticipate the Potential of the World of Work

Please note that material in lectures usually comes from books that are not relative. Mainly with the pattern of issues supporting research topics that are very mandatory and need to be explored further, to be tested using the knowledge that has been obtained and through existing research.

Of course, as a student, you can also export various solutions to existing problems. Insights can also develop better through various efforts to find easy alternative solutions. If you use news that can be explored through various sources of certificates, of course you can find the answer.

There are many methods that can be used to enrich information in research that will be useful in increasing analytical abilities and skills. Research or research is generally based on the conditions that occur in global concrete.

All fields of study taken by college students are in research, because research will provide great opportunities for students to form an illustration of the world of work. Then you can do research so that it bears credit and can be included in the curriculum vitae.

It is very rare for a fresh graduate to have experience in research during lectures. Especially if you go through tough challenges during the research process which is a plus and steals the company's attention.

Upgrade Skills

Lectures can also easily improve the skills possessed by students. The increase in skills in question is not only limited to exact or applied majors, because it is the same with the social or humanities fields.

Research has many benefits for students such as the application of technology or theory that is personally accepted in real conditions. The application of theory is a practical matter that really helps college students' understanding so that they can get deeper into the field of study according to the research topic being carried out.

The basic principles of research have the same foundation contained in the research methodology. In research there are organized systematic steps to study a battle and receive answers. As a result of the research results, objective truth is needed and accounted for through logical thinking.

Train Critical Thinking

Research also trains students to think critically, because it usually starts with questions or conflicts that require answers. In formulating a conflict so that it is feasible to serve as the basis for research, critical thinking is needed.

Critical thinking is one of the thoughts that makes the thinker have lots of questions. This question must be taken into consideration before deciding to determine a research topic.

Learn to Defend Your Opinion


Research also makes students learn to defend their opinions. Research must indeed be accounted for in accordance with scientific principles which will usually be tested in the presence of lecturers or other interested parties. So that students can learn to believe the truth obtained through research.